Monthly Archives: December 2012

Goals and Resolutions, 12/29/12

Looking back at this week I have so much to be thankful for.  I had a great 4 days in a row of running (3 miles each day!)  My last run was on Thursday and since the roads were pretty icy, I decided to play it safe and run on the treadmill. 

The run itself was pretty boring, but it went relatively well, so as always, that’s a plus these days! 

Later on Thursday, Tim and I had a good appointment with my baby doctor.  Heart rate was a low 132 and the doc said she seems to be staying in the head down position.  All great things!

I took Friday off of running and am planning to run later this morning after I get my fluids in to cushion my bladder.  I did ask my doctor about my follow up urine test and she said everything was normal so they were stumped as to what had caused the bleeding.  Her guess was as good as mine, that the force of the baby bouncing on top of my bladder had caused some sort of trauma.  She seemed to think I was safe to keep running so long as I keep some fluid in there as a cushion.  Great news!

As the year comes to a close, I think about all the great things that happened for us in 2012 and all the wonderful things I look forward to in 2013.  Setting resolutions for the new year is a good way to motivate yourself towards changes for the better.  I usually end up aiming pretty high, and don’t always accomplish every goal I write for myself, but I guess I’d rather miss a few than not live up to my potential.  So here’s a quick recap of some of my goals for 2012 and how I came out:


1.)  Start a family (very thrilled that this is one of the goals we are currently in the process of)


2.) Home improvements- we got a lot of these done in 2012, yet there are still plenty that we have to work on in 2013


3.) Run a sub 3 hour marathon-completed in February 2012!

4.)Break 17 minutes in the 5K-didn’t happen, in fact, not even close.  After the Myrtle Beach Marathon I trained through an IT band injury for 2 months and ran/walked the Boston Marathon.  After that I took 8 weeks completely off and then as I started running again found out the wonderful news that I was pregnant.

Some of my other goals were to improve my strength training and flexibility exercise and get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.  The strength training was great at the begining of the year and then after the pregnancy I kept doing less and less until I stopped completely after all of my back problems.  I know I should be doing better at this, but I admit that I am slightly terrified of getting injured.  At this point in the pregnancy I’m so happy to be able to run 3 miles that I’m afraid to even mess that up.  I am doing some pregnancy specific exercises that are supposed to help with labor and delivery and plan to get back into a regular strength routine after I have Alexandra.  As for the 7 to 8 hours of sleep…well, this morning I woke up before 7 am again and just couldn’t get back to sleep.  I think at this point I’ll just have to be happy with what I can get!

So for 2013, my goals are:


1.) Deliver a healthy baby!  This is obviously the most important goal for me in 2013

2.) Provide Alexandra with a loving, nuturing home and work with Tim to be a great team and become the best parents we can be for her.


1.) After Alexandra is born and I’m cleared to start running again, gradually follow a slow build up plan.

2.) Start participating in races in late spring/early summer

3.) By the end of the summer, run a sub 18 5K

4.) Run a fall marathon

5.) Lose all the baby weight

Some of these goals are not as specific as I usually go with the running.  I love stating specific goals that are hard to achieve and then mercilessly going after them.  However, I’ve never had a baby before and I don’t want to set myself up for injury by not taking the proper time and listening to my body and giving it what it can handle.  For my marathon in the fall, I’d really like to run under 3 hours again and that will be what I work towards.  However, I know just how much work that was last year without having a newborn and just don’t know how long it will take me to get back into that level of fitness.  By the time I trained to run that marathon, I was already at a pretty high fitness level.  I have no idea what that level will be come March since I won’t have tested it in over a year at that point!  Who knows, maybe it will be stronger after having a baby–I can only hope!


3 days in a row of running!

I was fortunate enough to run on Christmas Eve, Christmas day and today on my lunch break!  The 3 runs varied quite a bit in how they went, but I am so happy I was able to run for 3 days in a row!  My pulled muscle still kind of bothers me, but the running doesn’t seem to make it worse.  Still, I’ve only been going 3 miles.  I’m going to try running tomorrow too, but we’ll see how I feel.

On Christmas Eve I visited my friend Val as tradition. Just like we walked the dogs last year when she was pregnant, we did that again.  I had been going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to try running with her.  With my great 4 mile run last Monday, I felt like maybe I could and it wouldn’t be too slow for her.  After the other runs that week didn’t go the same, I decided it was best to just walk with her and try to run later on my own.  So that’s what I did.  It went pretty well, not terrible, but not as great as Saturday’s run.  We ate cinnamon rolls at Val’s house and my stomach was quite full so it just didn’t feel as great running, but I was very happy to get it in.

On Christmas I woke up early and made chocolate chip peanut butter pancakes and sausage and potatoes for me and Tim for breakfast!  I ran about an hour and a half later, so again, I was pretty full.  I took Sparty with me for just over a mile, thinking that with my slow pace, it would be perfect for my dog that has no endurance.  I thought for sure he would at least be able to run a mile with me, but I was wrong!  I love our little dog, but honestly, he’s part lab and he hates running!  He likes it for about half a mile and I actually had to slow him down at first and then we got to about ¾ of a mile and he starts slowing waaay down.  I look at him and he’s not panting or looking like he’s struggling at all…its all a mental thing and he just gets lazy.  We were so close to home so I kept pushing him and trying to get him to pick it up and we get to the end of our driveway and he just stops and sits down as I keep running, yanking me back!  What a little stinker!

After I got rid of the dead weight, I actually felt great and finished the remaining 2 miles pretty fast (8:03 and 7:49)!  I felt great again, and it really boosted my mood.

Today I ran on my lunch hour and I’d say it was more similar to my Christmas Eve run.  It was really windy and the wind was bitter cold.  I dressed appropriately for the temperature but the wind on my face just seemed to sting and I kept waiting for my legs to warm up.  Eventually they did, and I didn’t really feel bad, just not as great as I did the day before.  Still, I got my 3 miles in, and by the last mile was so warm that I took off my hat!

How is everything else going?  Well, at 30 weeks, there is just no way to mistake the pregnancy anymore at all.  Its blatantly obvious with my huge protruding belly!  I wonder sometimes what people think when they see me out there running like that.  I kind of like it, it sort of makes me feel really feminine and powerful.  Its not the easiest thing in the world and even on the great days its not totally painless or comfortable so I feel like I’ve really accomplished something when I’m finished.  Sleep is definitely becoming a struggle so I’m tired a lot.  I’m just still dealing with a kind of anxiousness to wrap this pregnancy up and finally get to meet her.  I look forward to being a mom and having a baby to take care of more than anything else.  I know it will be hard work and there will be sleepless nights and I welcome those things.  I know there will be plenty of things I’m used to doing that I’ll miss, but mostly I’m just ready for that new transition in my life.  Weekends will never be the same, but I think they’ll be better.  In the last few months I’ve had a general sense of boredom with my life sometimes, especially on the weekends.  Not that I don’t have enough to do, but it just feels unfulfilling, like something is missing.  I go grocery shopping and work on things for the house and pay bills…but what I really want is to have a little baby that I can just entertain and care for.  I find myself thinking a lot about labor and delivery and going into obsessive planning mode.

We have a little mini vacation coming up next week and I’m looking forward to that.  It will be a nice change of pace and will distract me a little bit from being in baby overdrive.  Traveling is something that Tim and I really enjoy and is something that I hope we always continue to do, even with a baby.  Until then, I’m just trying to take it all day by day.

Twas Two Days Before Chrismas…12/23/12

This momma to be woke up at 6:24 am on a Sunday morning!  Ugh!  It doesn’t seem fair that in about 10 weeks I’m going to be so sleep deprived and I can’t seem to get enough of it in the bank now…oh well!

After Wednesday’s run I developed some severe pain just below my abdomen.  It worried me, and I questioned whether or not to call the doctor, but then figured it was round ligament pain and let it be.  The next morning I could barely walk and realized that it felt just like a pulled muscle, or ligament or whatever.  Every time I stood up and tried to walk, it was there and it was pretty intense. After walking a few steps though it would gradually loosen up and feel a little better.  I got some questions at work because I was definitely walking different.  So I decided to take a day off of running. 

I thought about swimming, but the showers were so cold on Tuesday, so I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.  Instead I stuffed my face full of yummy food at our lunch potluck!

The next morning when I weighed myself I had actually lost almost a pound since the week before, but last week I had gone up almost 4 pounds!  I figured though it was more an issue of eating big meals the day before my weigh in, but also some of baby’s growth spurt.  So in total now, at almost 30 weeks, I’m up 20 pounds.  With 10 weeks to go, even if I gain a pound a week, I’ll still be at 30 total, which is within the healthy range. 

Friday I didn’t run or really walk much or anything and my pulled muscle seemed to feel a bit better.  When I woke up on Saturday morning I didn’t feel it at all, so naturally I thought it would be a great idea to run.  I ate a breakfast and started pounding the water to try to fill up my bladder so I didn’t have my recurring bladder issue for another Saturday morning run.  Then I went for a slow little run through our neighborhood.  It actually went pretty well.  I felt “full”, but my bladder and my legs felt pretty good and I actually got in 4 miles.  Tim was just heading out for his run as I was coming in so he ran with me for a few minutes.  It was nice. 

I stopped running and BAM!  Pulled muscle hurt again.  So I realized that the running must have aggrevated it.  I walked the dog and got ready to go to my parents house to celebrate Christmas with my Grandma, Aunt and Uncle.  While I was there, everytime I stood up, it was like a knife.  I looked like an old woman getting out of a chair.  After I was up and took a few steps, it would lessen.  This morning its still here. 

I’m not really sure what to do about it.  I’m not running today, but I was planning on running tomorrow.  I guess I’ll just see how it goes.  Either way, I only have about 10 weeks to go now (as long as baby girl is on time, lets hope!) so I guess no matter what I have to do for the remainder of the pregnancy, the end is in sight!  Merry Christmas and happy running to all!!

Merry Christmas from the Adams

Merry Christmas from the Adams

Everyday is a New Sensation/Experience 12/19/12

Monday’s run was so great and it left me on a huge emotional high the whole day.  Tuesday I went swimming as planned and am already starting to get tired of it.  Yes, it feels good and its good exercise and it’s a nice break for my body from the pounding of running.  Its just not the same and doing laps in a pool gets old really quickly.  Additionally, yesterday the water in the showers afterwards was cold!  I look so forward to taking a hot shower after swimming, its sort of like a nice reward.  I had goose bumps the whole time I was in there and was just trying to wash so quickly so that I could get out and warm up. 

 Today I ran with my friend Darla again.  From the beginning I knew it wasn’t going to be as great of a run as Monday’s.  For one thing, yesterday all day I had this pressure in my very lower abdomen…like maybe the baby is in there really low.  I felt it every time I walked or stood up.  It was still there today and I felt it the whole time I was running, even with my pregnancy belt.  Still, it wasn’t too bad so I was happy I was still running.  I’d like to run again tomorrow, but I guess it will all depend on how I feel.  I just don’t really feel like swimming again. 

 Other than that, things are getting really busy right now and it’s a little stressful.  By the time I got home yesterday I was so tired but I felt like I had so much to do before I could sit down and relax.  Its that time of year and there is just so much to do.  Tonight, my friends Darla and Carol are coming over for dinner so I’m really looking forward to a night of relaxing with friends.  I ordered a “take and bake” pizza from Papa Murphy’s and am making a salad so I don’t really have to cook or anything.  I have a holiday potluck at work tomorrow so I’m planning on baking some cookies after they leave, but it’s a pre-made dough so again, not too labor intensive.  Normally, I enjoy cooking and this is not typical of me to be so far behind in Christmas shopping and rely on pre-made food, but honestly, I just don’t have the energy for it right now.

 I feel like baby is gearing up for a big growth spurt because I’ve been hungry again, like all the time.  I’m still allowing myself to eat whenever I’m hungry and lately a lot of times its just been a spoonful of peanut butter here and there because I have some at my desk and its easy and really is quite filling. 

 Other changes I’ve noticed lately is my sleeping.  My back really hasn’t been bothering me too much lately at night, but I find the most comfortable position now is sleeping on my left side with my right leg on top of the body pillow.  Sometimes I’ll switch over to my right side, but its just not as comfortable so usually I end up rolling back over.  I’m also having a harder time staying asleep or getting back to sleep once I wake up.  For a while I was peeing about 3 times during the night and I’d barely open my eyes and be able to fall right back asleep when I got into bed.  Now I’m not peeing quite as often but find that if I wake up, I just lay there tossing and turning for a really long time before finally falling back asleep.  The first hour at work I’m so tired!

Best Run in over a month at 29 weeks! 12/17/12

I am in SUCH a great mood right now!  I ran 4 miles today…the longest I’ve run in over a month!!!

 Last Thursday morning I did my swim, and it felt good and I headed out to Colorado on Friday morning in my running clothes so that I could run after I got there, since I knew my sister would be at work.  This flight was SO much better than the flights to and from Miami.  I flew on Frontier airlines and I was only going to be staying 1 night, so I didn’t have much stuff.  I had one bag that I was planning on doing as a carry on and when I went to check in, they asked if I wanted to check it free.  I was a little nervous about lifting it into the overhead bins so I gladly accepted. 

 I was seated closer to the cabin and the plane just seemed roomier than the Delta flight the month before.  Yes, I definitely got uncomfortable at times due to it being hot and just not liking sitting down for 3 hours, but my back felt good.  The next awesome thing was the rental car company, Enterprise, gave me a free upgrade and I got to drive around a little camero!  Sadly though, the breaking news changed my whole mood when I heard about the CT school shootings.  There’s so much I want to say, but I’m trying to keep my blog on topic, so I’ll just say I was heartbroken and a little worried about my sister since she’s an elementary teacher and I wasn’t sure if she’d heard about it and what she thought.

 She and I were going to try to have lunch, but I had an hour drive from Denver to Colorado Springs and didn’t quite make it in time.  I was super hungry since it was 2 pm my time so I quickly started searching for something light because I still wanted to run.  I found a yogurt shop and got a huge cheesecake and chocolate yogurt with lots of unhealthy toppings, mixed with some healthy ones.  Yeah, so much for keeping it “light” but it was delicious!  So about 30 minutes later I went for my run.  I drove to Palmer Park since it looked pretty big on the map and I thought would be heavily populated with runners and bikers.  I got there and there really weren’t very many people so I was kind of nervous and decided to not run on the trails, just on the main road and not get too far away from the parking lot.  I also carried my cell phone with me.  Full stomach, full bladder, I actually felt pretty good.  It was harder, I think due to the elevation and the fact that I was running on some big uphills.  My time was slow, but I really didn’t care, I felt good running.  Well, I got in a couple miles and then heard back from my sister so I met her at her school.  After that I went to her house to wait for her to get home and decided I might as well run again and see how it felt.  Not as good as before, but I still got in 1.8 miles, making my total for the day 3.8, the longest I’d run in a long time!

 We had a nice dinner and went to Seven Falls and saw their Christmas lights, and then the next morning I took a day off of running since I just wanted to spend the time with my sister.  We had a great breakfast, and then went and got an ultra sound at a 3/D 4/D ultrasound place.  Let me just say it was AWESOME!  I know my sister wishes that she were closer to home and has wanted to be as involved in my pregnancy as possible.  I figured she’d like this and I just LOVED it!  We saw Alexandra and she looked just like a newborn.  She looked very healthy, even like maybe she has a full head of hair already and I was relieved to know she was in the head down position.  The lady even commented that she can tell I drink a lot of water because I had great fluid, and it made for clearer pictures.  I also saw the placenta and the very thick looking cord, which she said is also a good thing.  Seeing her like that just made me want to meet her even more!!  Can’t wait!

 After that we went on a cave tour, that was also, AWESOME!  Took lots of pics and got to have a great lunch with my sister before I had to drive back to Denver to get on my plane.  They let me check my bag free again, and the flight back was quicker, even though I got in close to midnight.  It was close to 1 am when I got home and I was hoping to sleep in on Sunday but I just can’t seem to anymore.  Either way, the great weekend, and all the wonderful things I got to experience were a great reminder to me for how lucky I am.  I can’t really complain about much when I really think about it.

 Sunday I rushed around to get some Christmas shopping done and actually completed a really large chunk of it!  It was a busy day and I decided to try for a little run in the afternoon, but it didn’t really go that great.  I was planning on going 3, but changed my mind a little more than ½ a mile in.  I don’t know what it was…my bladder felt a little more pressure, but I just didn’t feel good in general.  My pace was over 9 minutes (the slowest so far) and I still felt like I was struggling, so I listened to my body and headed back home and got in just over a mile. 

 So today I didn’t have high hopes for my run.  I was so happy to feel so good that I decided to add another mile and do 4!  I had left my Garmin at home by mistake today so I brought my phone and used GPS so I could see how far I went, but it was kind of nice in that I didn’t know how fast I was going until the end.  Another surprise…I averaged 7:57 pace for the 4 miles.  Compared to my 9:03 pace for just over a mile the day before, it just goes to show that pregnant running is very unpredictable and you never know what you’re going to get.  Therefore, I am going to keep listening to my body!

Me and my sister at Cave of the Winds

Me and my sister at Cave of the Winds


7 month belly shot, getting ready to fly to CO!

7 month belly shot, getting ready to fly to CO!

Twice now my bladder theory has stood up to the test.  I ran today at noon and once again, everything in the bladder area felt fine.  It wasn’t as great of a run as Mondays.  I ran with my friend Darla again and this time I had to stop once around 2 miles because of some cramping in my abdomen.  I started up again and it was still there, so I just jogged slowly and concentrated on my breathing until it finally subsided.  Other than that, I’m just so happy to be able to run for another day!

 I went swimming yesterday morning and as usual, it felt nice, although I did notice that my left quad had that strange “numbing” sensation I sometimes get in my legs when running or walking up stairs.  I swam through it and noticed it seemed sore the rest of the day in that area, and even a little bit today.  So I wonder if when I get that sensation the muscle isn’t quite getting the oxygen or blood it needs so it creates muscle soreness, similar to when you overload your muscles during a race or hard workout.  I find it interesting more than anything, especially since science isn’t 100% sure what causes muscle soreness anyway.

 Another strange thing happened today.  My left foot/ankle was completely swollen this morning!  When looking at my left foot and right foot together, I just laughed because it was such a huge difference!  It didn’t hurt or feel different, it just looked really fat and puffy.  I don’t seem to have any swelling anywhere else. 

 There’s not really much else to write about today.  Tomorrow I plan to swim in the morning again and then on Friday I fly out to Colorado for the quick trip with my sister.  I’m going to try to get in a 3 mile run on Friday afternoon out there while I’m waiting for her to get out of work.  I may have to take it even slower than I’ve been going because of the altitude change.  We’ll see.  I’m looking really forward to that trip!

The Ups and Downs of Pregnant Running…12/10/12

I felt like last week ended on a pretty good note.  I passed my glucose test, my run on Thursday went pretty well despite burping up the glucose drink a few times, my back had still been feeling good and I was getting more sleep at night again.

 I had high hopes for Saturday’s run.  I figured since I ran 3 miles, 3 times in the week I could aim for 4 miles.  Even though all my runs last week were little loops of maybe a half or quarter mile and circled by my house several times “in case” I had any issues, I hadn’t once needed to stop so I figured for Saturday’s 4 mile attempt, I could go out a mile, back a mile, and repeat.  I also had signed up for a virtual run, Race for Recovery and felt confident that I could at least get 3.1 miles done.

 Well, that’s what I get for trying to plan.  Before I even ran, after I got dressed in my running clothes I felt pressure on my bladder.  I assumed it was from my running tights maybe being a little too tight over my belly bump.  I wear my maternity belt now on every run, but I’ve also felt like sometimes the tightness of my running tights helps pull my belly in a little so it doesn’t bounce so much.  Well, I decided at the last minute to change into some much looser running pants that I usually only wear on really really cold winter days as a second layer.  It felt a lot better, and I made sure to empty my bladder yet again just seconds before heading out.  There was not much more than a tiny trickle so I felt good thinking that my bladder issues shouldn’t flare up.

 Before I even got a mile in the pressure on my bladder was pretty intense.  I stopped, walked a bit and tried to see if it would calm down.  It didn’t.  I started running again and got to the mile point and turned around as planned and had to stop and walk several times on the way back home because my bladder hurt so bad.  I was starting to get a really bad feeling that I was going to pee blood again.  When I finally got back to my house, my fears were confirmed.   Thankfully, this time I wasn’t quite as scared as I was the week before when it happened for the first time.  Still, it was enough for me to call off the rest of the run.  I had told myself that if I got to my house and peed and it was clear, I could at least get in the 5K that I had signed up for.  Since I am unsure what was causing this and don’t want to take any risks to Alexandra’s health, I was done running.  I wasn’t happy about it.  I started doing a massive google search to try to self diagnose my problem since my doctors didn’t seem to know.

 When Tim woke up and found me curled up on the couch on my iphone he optimistically asked how my run went.  I was pretty upset and told him what happened and was thankful that I had a husband who listened to me complain the way I did.  My whole demeanor was very down and I felt bad about that.  It wasn’t Tim’s fault and I wanted to be happy on Saturday but I was really upset.  Tim started helping me with my search.

 While there isn’t a lot on the web for “blood in urine after running while pregnant” when I searched for them separately, “blood in urine after running” and “blood in urine while pregnant” I did get some results.  Apparently, its pretty common for runners to sometimes get blood in their urine after running.  Obviously, this had never happened to me, so I had no idea.  The consensus seems to be that it doesn’t really do any damage, and could be caused from the impact/jostling of the internal organs.  The logic of it made sense, especially considering I have an extra 17 pounds of weight sitting and bouncing on my bladder.  I read something else interesting, a suggestion that NOT completely emptying your bladder before running seems to help.  That theory being that an empty bladder gets compressed and the sides rub together…leaving some fluid inside of it creates a sort of cushion. 

 The other possibilities that I found were kidney stones or interstitial cystitis—both of which didn’t seem to be what I had, especially given that both my episodes happened immediately after a run, and I also noted that both times it was after a run on a Saturday morning.  Since both days I ran first thing, I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink before and started to wonder if my bladder was too empty both times and that when I run later in the day, maybe its harder to completely empty my bladder.

 So, that brings me to today.  I had planned on going for a 3 mile run at lunch with my friend Darla.  I warned her that I may have to stop if my bladder starts to hurt like it did on Saturday.  I was nervous, but decided to test out a theory.  So, instead of peeing immediately before the run, I held it and ran with not quite a full bladder, but definitely more full than I would ever run with.  Amazingly, it seemed to work!  I ran 3 miles with her without stopping once and my bladder didn’t hurt the entire time.  After the run my pee was clear!

 So now I’m incredibly happy, once again.  After Saturday’s run I was starting to think this was it…I was going to have to stop running.  I had begrudgingly accepted it.  Now I’m not throwing in the towel just yet.  Besides just that, today’s run felt really great.  Darla and I went a slow pace, my legs didn’t seem to go numb, and I felt like I could have easily done another mile.  I’m tempted to try running again tomorrow, but I don’t want to get too carried away and should still stick to my swimming schedule instead.  But right now, I’m just enjoying the feeling that I don’t have to give up something I love quite yet, and that maybe I can still enjoy it during the rest of this pregnancy instead of just “getting through it”.  I think having a friend to talk to really helped too, so hopefully she’ll keep running with me!


I got the good news last night, that I passed my 3 hour glucose screening and do not have gestational diabetes.  Of course, I was happy and relieved because I don’t think anyone wants to go on a restrictive diet through pregnancy and worry about how the disease might affect their baby.  That being said, I did some research and wanted to share because there is definitely a stigma that goes along with developing gestational diabetes that isn’t very fair. 

 When we think of people with type II diabetes, we often think of those that have the highest risk factors; overweight, not enough exercise.  Its common then to assume and associate the same stigma to those that develop this disease during pregnancy.  However, the research I found (from the website) says this is not the case.  They are not sure what causes gestational diabetes but know that during pregnancy, because of placental hormones, a woman’s body needs about 3 times the insulin she normally needs to prevent the level of glucose in the blood from getting too high.  Some women in their 24th week of pregnancy have insulin that cannot keep up with the demand.  It doesn’t mean the mother had diabetes before or that she will have diabetes after the pregnancy.  Its not something she did wrong.  So if you did have or had gestational diabetes its nothing to feel shameful about, like I did when my initial glucose test was outside the acceptable range.

 That being said, there are so many other pressures that pregnant women put upon themselves that can cause unnecessary stress or disappointment.  In the birthing class that Tim and I took last weekend everyone in the class pretty much unanimously said the thing they wanted most out of birth was a healthy baby.  Well then, no matter how you get there, if that’s the overall outcome there should be no disappointment.  I’ve heard women that have had c-sections say they felt as if it was some sort of failure on their part to deliver.  It makes me sad to hear that women feel this way after having a healthy baby.  Sure, I admit that a c-section is not ideal and I’m hoping I don’t need one, mainly because it’s a major surgery and has associated risks and also a much longer recovery time.  However, if it turns out that I need to have one to deliver my healthy baby, I’m not going to let myself feel like I did something wrong.

 The same is true for delivery methods.  I’ve talked to many women in the last few months about birth and delivery and found that a lot of women have strong opinions either way on how to go about delivery.  I’ve had plenty tell me to just get an epidural, that its worth it and even some that say it made delivery “easy”.  I’ve also had some women that didn’t have an epidural with their first birth, but did with subsequent deliveries say that they wish they had an epidural the first time.  I’ve also had women tell me that the epidural is unnecessary and it slows everything down and doesn’t allow for labor to progress naturally and that it isn’t really that bad.  So it seems that everyone that’s been through labor and delivery has a strong opinion about what’s best.  So what do I think?  I don’t know.  I’m purposely trying to stay as open and objective as possible so that when I have my own delivery experience, I don’t feel pressure to stick to any particular plan and feel disappointed if I don’t.  The thing about birth is that its unpredictable.  While I think I am pretty tough and have a high pain tolerance, I’ve never experienced this before and know that it can vary greatly from one woman to another and even from one pregnancy to the next.  So I have a hard time saying “well this is what I want” when I have no experience of my own to base it on. 

 I honestly thought I’d sail through pregnancy pretty easily, and look at how surprised I’ve been at some of the hardships I’ve encountered.  Even last night, I felt very uncomfortable most of the evening and I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was.  I had this sensation that I had to pee all night, no matter how many times I went.  It wasn’t painful, but I also just felt like my belly was really heavy and there was a lot of pressure in my pelvic area.  This morning I woke up and everything magically seems fine.

 I purchased The Bradley Method of childbirth and began reading one of the books yesterday.  The theory behind it is that childbirth is a natural process and the role of the doctor is to be the “lifeguard” to watch for any complications and assist should that be necessary, but otherwise, let women do what their bodies were made for.  I have to say that I agree with this and that births in the hospital is something relatively new to women since we’ve been having babies for thousands of years.  That being said, the rates of death for mothers and babies has also declined substantially due to improvements in modern medicines and interventions.  Where a breech baby was something that was pretty much a medical emergency some time ago, today its not necessarily anything to be too concerned over.  

  And there are many areas of childbirth where something can happen at any part along the way that could greatly be helped by medical intervention.  Another example is if your water breaks before contractions start.  Once your water breaks, the birth should happen within a certain timeframe due to risks posed from having the waters break.  So again…medical intervention that I wouldn’t say “no” to. 

 Birth is such a personal experience for every woman and every couple, as it should be.  I just wanted to express my feelings that it doesn’t have to come with this “high expectations” birth plan that may or may not work for you.  A healthy baby is a blessing that we should all be thankful for, no matter what the method.

Glucose Test 12/6/12

Yesterday evening’s run went really well!  I’d say it was the best in weeks, honestly.  My back didn’t bother me at all, my legs didn’t go too numb or at least didn’t feel weak for very long, and overall I just felt good.  I went slow, as usual, averaging 8:28 pace, so it was still even one of my faster runs in a while.  I did have the slight sensation that I had to pee, but when I returned, it went away.  I ran after work and it was dark and I tried focusing on the Christmas lights in my neighborhood and I didn’t even stop once!  I did several loops.  I’ve decided that from now on, no matter what my distance instead of going out and then coming back, I’m just going to do short little loops that are never very far from my house should something happen.  Not always exciting, and I’m sure it will get old quickly, but its safer. 

 Tim was out of town on business last night so immediately after my run I made dinner and ate it, then realizing I needed to fast for 12 hours prior to my glucose test!  Luckily, since I finished before 8, I was still ok.  I walked the dog and was then just so very tired.  I was hoping to get out some more Christmas decorations and go through some boxes of things I’ve had in storage (Tim and I are doing a major house detox to get ready for baby) but I just didn’t have the energy.  I watched tv for a bit and then took a hot shower since I was feeling cold and stiff before going to bed.

 No lower back issues during the night.  I slept in a little bit since my appointment was at 8:15 am and it was not more than a few minutes drive.  Especially since I’d showered the night before and couldn’t eat breakfast, I didn’t need much time to get ready.  So I drove to the hospital, got there 15 minutes early, checked in and setup my laptop in the waiting room and began to work.  They called my name a few minutes past 8:15 and took me into a room and explained to me they had no paperwork and had no idea what I was therefore.  Upon discussing further, we came to the realization that I was supposed to go to a different building.  Stressed out because now I was late and didn’t have a phone number to call, I quickly headed in the direction the lady told me and drove around all these buildings and could not find the one I was supposed to go to.  I called my OB’s office, dropped the call, called back and by the time I had explained to the woman on the phone what I needed, I saw the building!  Great way to start an already stressful test! 

 They were really nice at the glucose test and it really was not fun.  They drew blood from my arm first thing to get a fasting reading.  They actually took much more blood than I thought they would.  Then the nurse gave me a drink and told me to drink the whole thing within 5 minutes.  It tasted much worse than the one I had for the 1 hour test.  I looked at the bottle and realized it was twice as concentrated.  It was sort of like drinking syrup.  She told me if I threw up, we’d have to do the test all over again.  She gave me some water and then I went back to the waiting room for an hour.  She called me in one hour later and took more blood from my other arm, and then did the same thing one hour later and another hour after that.  The drink did not feel good in my stomach.  I was nauseous but kept it all down because I did not want to have to do this all over again.  This morning when I woke up I was hungry.  When I left, after several hours of not eating and just having that drink sitting in my belly for 3 hours I wasn’t really.  But I knew I needed to eat and that it might make my belly feel better so I ate a hearty lunch when I got home.  I even ate a gingerbread cookie and a peanut butter candy because if I do have GD, I’m sure those foods will be off limits until after the baby is born.  The nurse said they should call me about 24 hours to let me know the results.

 In the meantime, I decided to try running two days in a row.  Normally Thursday would be my swimming day but since I had this appointment this morning.  It wasn’t nearly as nice as yesterday’s run, but it wasn’t all that bad either.  I stopped once when the pressure in my bladder was intense and then started again when I didn’t feel it after stopping.  Again, my back felt fine.  My right lower leg felt a little weak and numb, but not bad. The worse part was that I kept burping up that awful drink!  A couple times I thought maybe I’d even throw up, but I didn’t.  I ran my 3 miles and was happy that it went fairly well.  I ran slightly different loops and my overall time was only 5 seconds slower than yesterdays run, so I guess I’m consistent in my comfortable pace at least!  Averaged 8:30 today, and both days noticed that my first mile is my slowest, my second mile is always my fastest and my last mile is somewhere in between the two.  Interesting.

I am in Good Company! 12/4/12

Apparently, the Duchess Kate is also pregnant, as is one of my favorite professional runners, Lauren Fleshman.  Not to be rude, but I really couldn’t care less about Kate being pregnant.  Nothing against her personally, but we just don’t have very much in common.  However, I am thrilled at the news of Lauren Fleshman and can’t wait to read her blogs about pregnancy.

 Bad news.  I didn’t pass my initial blood glucose screening yesterday.  I’ll be completely honest and admit I was quite upset about it.  My doc even said that I have low risk factors because I exercise and keep a healthy weight.  So naturally, I felt like my not passing, was a huge failure on my part.  Tim tried making me feel better.  At first, he didn’t know why I was upset and thought that he’d done something wrong!  I told him that I felt like I had let him and myself and Alexandra down.  So naturally, I obsessed about it like I always do and found out a few things.  I didn’t “fail” as I’d thought.  If I had scored 200 or higher, then I would have been considered to have gestational diabetes without further testing.  I scored a 158 and needed to be 139 or lower to have completely passed the initial screening.  Furthermore, many women that don’t pass this initial screening end up passing the longer, 3 hour test just fine.  I go to take that on Thursday.  Again, I’m not thrilled about it, but I’m hoping for the best.

 So after I had my pity party for myself, I went for another 3 mile run.  Besides feeling so slow and just a bit uncomfortable, I felt pretty good!  That made me happy.  My legs didn’t go numb like they’ve been doing lately.  Besides, it was nice out yesterday, in the low 60’s which you can’t beat in December.  My belly felt particularly “heavy” and puffy, but I think that is because I had to chug that sugar drink for my test.  I got done and walked the dog and then had a quick dinner, Tim and I had a great night putting some artwork on the nursery walls.  I know that sounds strange but we had a good time.  We got these peel and stick “decals” and we created a beautiful tree on one wall and a little forest with cute animals right above the crib.  Alexandra was moving like crazy yesterday!  She even moved for the doctor and we watched her heart rate go up.  Can’t wait to meet this feisty little one!

 Today I went swimming again and really felt like I got in a good workout.  My lower back did ache a bit but it really hasn’t been bothering me at night anymore so I’m so hoping those terrible pains are over. 

 The other fun project I’ve been working on is Tim’s training plan for Riverbank Run 2013.  Since I’m such a far cry from going after my own goals right now and have already set them for post baby, its fun for me to design a plan to help him meet his goals.